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Thema: eMule Version V0.19c - V0.47a Final - Download

  1. #1
    Gast Avatar von six1

    eMule Version V0.19c - V0.47a Final - Download

    ... und im gewohnten wöchentlichen Takt, eine neue emule Version : V0.21b.

    ich habe leider noch keine Erfahrungswerte. Testet mal und gebt im Forum den anderen Usern Bescheid, was ihr davon haltet und vor allem, was sich verbessert hat (oder evtl. verschlechtert )

    cu michael
    Angehängte Dateien Angehängte Dateien

  2. #2
    Gast Avatar von six1

    emule V0.21a3

    emule Version V0.21a3
    Angehängte Dateien Angehängte Dateien

  3. #3
    Gast Avatar von six1

    emule V0.19c

    emule Version V0.19c
    Ordner anlegen, dateien in den neuen ordner entpacken.
    Angehängte Dateien Angehängte Dateien

  4. #4
    Admin oder so... Avatar von Alpha

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    NEU emule V0.22a NEU

    Hier könnt Ihr eMule 0.22a Downloaden
    Angehängte Dateien Angehängte Dateien
    You made my Day Alpha

    Zukünftiger Meister der Fußballbundesliga-Tipprunde 2013/2014

  5. #5
    Gast Avatar von six1

    Neue Version 0.22b, 08.11.2002

    wieder eine neue Version emule V0.22b
    Die Änderungen seit V022.a :

    - November 8th, 2002-
    Dirus: Download list now also has draggable columns.
    Dirus: Increased accuracy of percent completed from int8 to float.
    Merkur: Fixed a bug wich caused problems when downloading und uploading from the same client
    Merkur: Fixed problems with connection peaks, which ignored the max_connection setting.
    Merkur: Fixed some bugs with source exchanges
    Merkur: Added UDP request limit. When this is reached other servers are not asked for sources anymore per UDP. You should set this to a low value because this will decrease the servertraffic and UDP requests are not really needed that much anymore since source exchange finds most available sources.
    Merkur: Added asked for another file/no needed parts file handling
    Merkur: Merged the popup notifier from the enkeyDEV mod.
    Team: Some minor changes / bugfixes

    - November 7th, 2002-
    Dirus: Files with duplicate names are now saved correctly after download.

    - November 6th, 2002-
    Dirus: Arrays are stored on 1 line in the ini.
    Dirus: size, position, and hidden status of all tables are now saved.

    - November 3rd, 2002-
    Unk: Added a IRC client (With help from Merkur)
    Unk: HyperTextCtrl now detects ed2k://
    Unk: Some server were deleted even when the option was unchecked.
    Ornis: Added preferences tab for statistics-setup
    Ornis: Number in front of sources-count now gives the real useful-sources count (onqueue+downloading sources)

    cu michael

  6. #6
    Halb(foren)Gott/Göttin Avatar von Firebat

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    17.8.02 - 20:44
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    eMule Version 0.23b [NEU]

    Hier die neue Version:
    eMule23b Download

    Merkur: Fixed the bug which caused upload slots to cycle way too fast sometimes

    Merkur: The Win9x Bluescreen/Freeze issue should be fixed (hopefully)

    Merkur: Friendslot is limited to one slot at a time

    The XMas-Splashscreen is now in. thanks to Ogmios

    Juanjo: Added support for multiple backup urls in addresses.dat [Thanks COOLER[T]]

    Juanjo: Fixed bug when adding files to download from the search results and the temp directory is inexistent

    Juanjo: Group of sources can be appended to ed2k links [Thanks Linearcity] this is the extended edk url format:
    ed2k://|file|fname|size| hash|/|sources@expiration, src1ip:src1port,src2ip:src2port,...|/
    "@expiration" is optional: e.g. @021126 (YY,MM,DD) - always 6 digits

    Merkur: You can create these extended links from all your shared files.

    Juanjo: Fixed issue with multiple instances

    Juanjo: Added two new statistics values: top download value and top download average value

    Merkur: You can select between slow or fast serverconnect in the preferences now

    Ornis: Added button in transferview, to switch between uploadlist and queuelist (title over the listcontrol)

    Ornis: Added Patch in sharedfolderselection to mark multiple subfolders by Ctrl+Click on a folder-checkbox [by VQB]

    Ornis: Fixed the disabled Speedselector on Systemmenue

  7. #7
    Halb(foren)Gott/Göttin Avatar von Firebat

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    17.8.02 - 20:44
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    eMule 25b!!!

    Kurz nach dem erscheinen der Version 25a
    kommt auch schon die Version 25b mit
    den wichtigsten Fehlerkorrekturen:

    eMule 25b Download

    Und hier das Changelog:

    Ornis: Fehler bei Dateibeendigung korrigiert
    Unk: korrigiert: automatisches Verbinden beim Starten
    Ornis: falsche Farbzuweisung im Farbwähler korrigiert
    Ornis: Systray-Icon Geschwindigkeitsbalken: Farbe nun frei auswählbar (Einstellungen - Statistiken - Farbwähler)
    Ornis: Einstellungs-Untermenü in Titelleiste für Win9x-Benutzer entfernt (Absturz)
    Ornis: zum Ändern der adresses.dat gibts nun einen Button, welcher die Datei mit einem Texteditor öffnet (Einstellungen-Server)

  8. #8
    Halb(foren)Gott/Göttin Avatar von Firebat

    Registriert seit
    17.8.02 - 20:44
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    eMule 26b

    jezt ist auch die final version von emule 0.26 erschienen 0.26b!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hier gehts zum Download


    Ornis:Fix: Webservices im Suchfenster aufrufen
    Ornis:Fix: Vorschau starten [jicxicmic]
    Ornis:mehrere kleine GUI- & andere Fixes
    Unk: Sicherheitslücke gestopft (bluecow/zegzav)
    Fehlerkorrekturen, mit Hilfe von ZegZav, Bluecow, Ese Juani, jicxicmic
    Unk: Konvertierung vieler char[] in CStrings, um Pufferüberläufe zu vermeiden
    Ornis:Kommentardialog (Ansicht) umgestaltet (Listenansicht)
    Ozon: Veränderter Packalgorithmus für die meisten structs/classes (nicht die Kritischen, weiterhin 1 byte) zu 8 bytes. (kann Performance verbessern...)
    Unk: Statistiken haben nun einen Paketzähler, und einige kleine Fehlerkorrekturen
    Optimierungen, mit Hilfe von ichi, Maella, zz
    Unk: Wenn ein Hashset Probleme bereitet, wird er neu angefragt
    Ozon: neu: kontinuierliches Backup für .part.met Dateien (v0.01 )
    Ornis:IP-range Filter (für Blacklists) - cDonkey's filter-file-Format wird benutzt (Grundfiltering-mehr wird kommen) (mehr siehe FAQ/Board!)
    Ornis:MeineInfo zeigt nun auch IP & Port an
    Unk: Serverliste und Freundeslist werden nun auch zwischendurch gesichert
    Ozon: Clients.met wird bei jedem Start von eMule gesichert

  9. #9
    Halb(foren)Gott/Göttin Avatar von Firebat

    Registriert seit
    17.8.02 - 20:44
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    eMule 0.26d

    Neu Neu Neu eMule 0.26d!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hier gehts zum Download

    Unk: Fix: Warteschlangen-Rotation wurde korrgiert - einige Clients wurde sofort wieder aus der Schlange gekickt
    Unk: mehrer Optimierungne von BadWolf63,ichi
    Unk: Darstellungsfehler des Knopfes für Minimieren zum Tray korrigiert (zegzav)
    Unk: cDonkey ist nun auch in den Statistiken
    Unk: Splitter-bar Position wird nun präziser gespeichert

  10. #10
    Halb(foren)Gott/Göttin Avatar von Firebat

    Registriert seit
    17.8.02 - 20:44
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    !!NEU!!! eMule 0.27c!!!

    Heute erschienen eMule 0.27c!!!!!

    Hier gehts zum Download

    Ornis:Korrektur eines Sicherheitsfehlers, der zum Absturz von eMule führen konnte (neue Einstellungen in Einstellungen/Sicherheit)
    Ornis:Webserver: Anzeige von Dateigrößen >2GB korrigiert
    Ornis:Webserver-Template verbessert von Daan

  11. #11
    Halb(foren)Gott/Göttin Avatar von Firebat

    Registriert seit
    17.8.02 - 20:44
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    eMule 0.29a!!!

    Heute erschien ***eMule 0.29a***

    eMule 0.29a hier downloaden


    bluecow: Sources found during local/global server searching are pre-filtered to avoid false displayed results in the sources column of the searchlist and to avoid using false sources which are sent by some servers.
    bluecow: Fixed bug with completed files which were rehashed at next startup and which caused a duplicate entry in known.met.
    bluecow: Fixed minor issue with servers sending different server description packets during runtime.
    bluecow: Fixed bug with temp folder which was set to incoming folder in some situations.
    bluecow: Fixed minor bugs in file open and browse folder dialogs and according property pages.
    Ornis: Shareaza recognition for Stats & Info
    Ornis: added new language Galician (by Emilio)
    bluecow: Fixed memory leaks in uploader.
    bluecow: Fixed memory leaks in all timer callback functions; added exception handling.
    bluecow: Reduced GDI resource usage for Win9x/WinME.
    bluecow: Added more debug log messages for unknown TCP packets.
    bluecow: Statusbar text is cleared when reseting the log or debug log.
    bluecow: Fixed missing file exception handler in upload function.
    bluecow: Fixed some problems with part.met/part files which could be to long or to small (potential file-completion bug) [SlugFiller]
    bluecow: Fixed memory leaks in Archive Recovery thread.
    bluecow: Fixed crash in Archive Recovery thread when previewing part files which are currently in "completing" state.
    Ornis: Webinterface: Fix: under certain circumstances, active downloads were displayed as completed
    Ornis: added new language Galician (by Emilio)
    bluecow: Fixed major memory leaks in WebSocket.
    bluecow: Fixed couple of GDI resource leaks and inproper usage of GDI resources.
    bluecow: Added proxy error messages. To enable it: Specify "ShowErrors=1" in "[Proxy]" section of preferences.ini.
    bluecow: Fixed problems with duplicate sources due to source exchange packets with wrong version.
    bluecow: More reliable identification of clients sending an UDP packet by searching clients with IP and UDP port
    Ornis: moved preferences files to "config" subfolder (cant be shared, old preferences files are moved the at first start)
    Ornis: Category-Tabs now sortable (Drag&Drop)
    VQB: changed LowID UL slot addition to alternate with HighID
    VQB: some code cleanup and changes to use more integer math [Elandal]
    Ornis:Webinterface: progressbar shows shades of blue, depending on the amount of found part-sources [Ju1i3n]
    VQB: adjusted sort order for QR (high speed -> low speed DL followed by low -> high QR)
    Ornis: Webinterface: fix add ed2k-Download to a category
    Ornis: Webinterface: transferlist offers more categories to filter for (file type, status)
    Ornis: update statistic graphs scale when changing up/down capacities over the webinterface
    Ornis: upgraded AsyncSocketEx to v1.2
    bluecow: Fixed potential problems for Win98 concering windows messaging.
    bluecow: Fixed bug in server window when sorting by server IP
    bluecow: Fixed 0-size part.met backup file bug.
    bluecow: Fixed potential mem leaks and crashes for several met-file IO related functions by rewriting exception handling.
    bluecow: Added system error messages for all file-IO related eMule log messages.
    bluecow: Added recently used list for search text and servemet-URL controls (aka autocompletion), reset history by AltGr+Delete)
    bluecow: Added searching for listviews in serverwindow/searchwindow (Ctrl+F,F3,Shift+F3)
    Ornis: fixed win9x-crash when the view-filter popupmenu of the category-tab was accessed
    Ornis: fixed preview of archives before any download
    Unk: Fix small overhead bug
    Unk: irc: Liquid updated their ircd. It broke eMules IRC.. It is now updated..
    Unk: irc: eMule now should support multi mode commands.
    bluecow: Fixed potential mem leak when copying text into the Windows clipboard.
    Ornis: Added a lot of new statistics (by Khaos)
    Ornis: fixed Scheduler bug
    Ornis: Added configuration for date/time-format of the log
    bluecow: Fixed LowID bug which was cause due to corrupted part.met files.
    bluecow: Fixed loading of part.met file list: Corrupted part.met files do no longer stop the loading of other part.met files.
    Sony: Fixed problem with very large files in MSVC 7.1 release build; Fixed Minimize to Tray icon (thanks zegzav)

  12. #12
    Halb(foren)Gott/Göttin Avatar von Firebat

    Registriert seit
    17.8.02 - 20:44
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    eMule 0.29b!!!

    Es gibt mal wieder eine neue version von eMule...

    eMule 0.29b Hier gehts zum Download

    Das wurde in der aktuellen Version geändert:
    bluecow: Dragstart of category-tabs not hypersensible anymore
    Unk: Irc: Now detects UnderOps.
    Unk: Desc ping to servers are now done less frequent.
    Unk: Fixed a bug in the server ping time delays.
    Unk: Fixed a small bug in the stats.
    Ornis:Speedmeasurement tweaked [zz]
    bluecow: Fixed bug with an deleted client instance which was used for the A4AF statistics value.
    bluecow: Redid Ext. Settings dialog for more future options.
    Ornis: Webinterface: Links are relative now
    Ornis: improved UNC usage as shared folders
    Ornis: Fixed known.met to be handled correctly in the config-folder
    Ornis: better handling of the check which files to hash
    .: Added a secure identification system (against userhash `stealing`) based on RSA encryption. For test reasons, it is disabled by default in this version, you can enable it in `security settings`. Please check the FAQ for more informations about this system
    .: Added first part of an advanced spamfilter which automatically detects and filters suspicious messages
    Ornis: Webinterface: Improved Graphs, bigger, nicer, including the connection-graph [emule+]
    Ornis: Webinterface: added button to remove completed files
    Ornis: Sharedfileslist: Click with middle mouse button on an item opens the comment dialog of it
    bluecow: Implemented ed2k protocol message OP_CHANGE_CLIENT_ID for better dealing with LowID sources.
    bluecow: Fixed several issues in dealing with uninitialized memory contents [donq]
    bluecow: Fixed problem with wrong file IDs received from clients.
    bluecow: Workaround for strange socket deletion crashs which were experienced by WinXP users.
    bluecow: Fixed several potential heap corruptions.
    bluecow: Fixed problems with download data rate meassurement which may cause crashs on slower/Win98 systems.
    bluecow: Fixed problem with processing an invalid OP_HELLO packet from a client.
    bluecow: Added option `CommitFiles` to select the level of commiting file data to disk (may be interesting for Win98 users) [idea SlugFiller]
    bluecow: For modders only: Added the possibility to compile the sources for string based resource string identifiers (search for USE_STRING_IDS)
    bluecow: Fixed bug in server message handler for OP_SERVERIDENT.
    bluecow: More safety in handling server message OP_SERVERMESSAGE and client message OP_MESSAGE.
    Ornis: saving location for own comments corrected (config-path)
    Ornis: Webinterface: Categorysupport corrected for order by columns
    bluecow: Fixed a potential problem with system tray icon on Win98 systems [Special thx to Ergol/donq]
    bluecow: Reduced size of search expression

  13. #13
    Halb(foren)Gott/Göttin Avatar von Firebat

    Registriert seit
    17.8.02 - 20:44
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    Emule 0.29c

    Emule 0.29c!!!

    Hier gehts Zum Download

    bluecow: Several small bug fixes and code improvements [Maella, dpr, rayita]
    Ornis+bluecow: String resources split into language resource DLLs [Elandal]
    bluecow: Fixed flaw in IPFilter.
    bluecow: Added LAN-IP and IP-Filter for server IPs and client IPs received during source exchange and received from servers.
    Note: The option "Server/always filter bad IPs" was changed to handle the LAN IP filtering of IPs for servers and
    clients and was moved to the "Extended Settings" page and is now called "Filter server and client LAN IPs".
    If you are running eMule within a LAN you may decide to disable this option to be able to communicate with
    servers and clients within the LAN.
    .: Added some SecureHash security fixes, also SecreHash is now enabled by default
    .: The Queueposition (waitingtime) is now also protected by SecureHash (if enabled)
    .: Fixed a bug which caused source to have wrong information and filecomments/names
    bluecow: Fixed problem with completing file which was concurrently uploaded.
    bluecow: Fixed bug with previewing of files with spaces in the path [mediterranean]
    bluecow: Fixed bug with client deletion [SlugFiller]
    bluecow: Fixed minor bug in statistics with error and banned client stats.
    bluecow: Better filtering of sources according valid IP+Port found during file searches.
    bluecow: Added boolean search expressions (AND, OR and NOT operator and parenthesis)
    bluecow: Fixed minor bug in search query with file extension.
    bluecow: Added version column of server software to server listview control.
    bluecow: Fixed minor bug where the ServerIP of some clients were added to the server list.
    bluecow: Fixed bug with compressed control data packets length [thx MKThunderStorm]
    bluecow: Optimized source exchange for clients which are asked for sources for the first time in the current session.
    bluecow: Added more units for specifying min/max filesize in search dialog. (append b[yte],k[byte],m[byte],g[byte] to the numbers to change the units).
    Ornis: minor tweaks in the filename cleanup
    Ornis: corrected codepage-settings for turkish language in the webinterface
    bluecow: Fixed mem leak in upload client caused by clients requesting too large blocks.
    bluecow: Fixed mem leak with duplicate hashed files.
    bluecow: Couple of changes for more stable code and less potential mem leaks.
    Ornis: Fix, preventing crashes after IRC disconnection
    Ornis: Show size of partfiles on disk (Filedetails & Tooltip)
    Ornis: little GUI fixes
    bluecow: Added boolean search expressions (OR and NOT operator, 'google' like syntax)
    bluecow: Added sending shared files list to server with ClientIP+Port to get more sources when performing global UDP search requests.
    bluecow: Added sending shared files list to server with more meta tags for more accurat search results according file extension and file type.
    bluecow: Added tooltip for showing the entire meta data for a search results which was received from the server/client.
    bluecow: Added overlay icons for clients which were successfully identified by a secure hash
    bluecow: Fixed bug with GetTickCount timer meassurement [dpr]
    Ornis: Added Secure-Ident-Statistic (how many successfully and how many failed identificated clients)
    Ornis: Fixed menu-ressource bug in the preferences
    Ornis: Turkish language fix

  14. #14
    Halb(foren)Gott/Göttin Avatar von Firebat

    Registriert seit
    17.8.02 - 20:44
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    eMule 0.30e

    Neu eMule 0.30e (wichtiges Sicherheitsupdate)

    bluecow: Korrektur eines selten auftretenden Fehlers, beim Entpacken von stark komprimierbaren Blöcken

    bluecow: verbesserte Fehlerbehandlung für die Dekomprimierung fehlerhafter Blöcke

    bluecow: Upgrade auf zlib Verion 1.2.1

  15. #15
    Halb(foren)Gott/Göttin Avatar von Firebat

    Registriert seit
    17.8.02 - 20:44
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    Version 0.42f

    eMule Version 0.42f


    Das wurde in der aktuellen Version verbessert:

    bluecow: Added file error handling for writing of onlinesig.dat file.

    Fixed a bug which could cause a too fast queue rotation when not using the option "try to upload full chunks" for uploading

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